
Controversy in Australia with Balustrade designs

Here at Prestige Wrought Iron, we are really proud of the reputation we have developed, as one of the best teams of blacksmiths in both Brisbane and Australia. Being a blacksmith is obviously a very specialized trade, and to be considered as an expert is something that we do not take lightly. Whether we are building balustrades, a wrought iron fence, a gate or even a piece of furniture, we know that we are putting our reputation on the line every single time. As the old saying goes, you are only as good as your last job.
I guess if we had to sum up what makes a piece worthy of Prestige Wrought Iron, it would be one that excels in a number of criteria. These criteria are:

  • The piece would firstly have to have a great design, one that is eye catching, aesthetically perfect and meets all of the client’s needs.
  • The wrought-iron creation also needs to be structurally sound. All of the joints need to be seamless, the surfaces need to be smooth and most importantly the structure needs to be exceptionally strong.
  • The creation needs to be safe and ergonomically viable.

It is because of this last piece of criteria that our team is fighting against the government proposed changes to laws regarding railing safety. Without going into too much detail, they are essentially trying to bring in a law that would ban the creation of any new railings or balustrades that have any form of toe-holds that a child me be able to climb.
Considering the lengths that we go to make our designs as safe and as strong as possible, it is hard to believe that these laws may actually go through. If you have seen some of our stunning balustrade designs on our website, you will see that many of them utilize scroll patterns. These popular designs would essentially be banned under the new laws.
Our safe, aesthetic and strong balustrades have allowed us to win countless awards across Brisbane, The Gold Coast & The Sunshine Coast. It would be a shame if these new laws could prevent us from continuing our great work. If you would like to find out more about this issue, please don’t hesitate to give our team a call today on (07) 3814 0076.
