
Prestige Wrought Iron: A Guide To Wrought Iron

Here at Prestige Wrought Iron, we take absolute pride in the design and creation of an assortment of handmade pieces of function iron artwork. Whether you are after a stunning balustrade, an elegant fence or a breath-taking gate, we are sure to go above and beyond your expectations. The work that we do is quite unique, which is why in today’s blog post we will provide a bit of an educational lesson on Wrought Iron to our readers so that they may begin to love the art as much as we do here.


Throughout history, wrought-iron has been used heavily across many countries for multiple purposes. In fact, whenever you hear a historical story and iron is mentioned, chances are that they are talking about wrought iron. Demand for wrought iron didn’t peak until around the 1860’s, but soon began the downward slide as different types of steel were invented. It did however leave a significant mark, as iconic buildings such as the Eifel Tower are made from forms of wrought iron.

Physical Properties

There isn’t any coincidence why so many societies in history chose to use wrought iron. It is extremely strong yet it is very easy to work with. With the correct technique and skills, it can be transformed into a variety of different objects ranging from nails to gates.

Wrought Iron Today

As previously mentioned, wrought iron suffered a serious decline after steel was invented. It is however used in a variety of different ornamental pieces by a select few blacksmiths, such as right here at Prestige Wrought Iron.

In today’s article, we have provided our readers with some interesting information regarding the history of wrought iron. If you would like to enquire about some of our wrought iron products, please don’t hesitate to give us a call today on 3814 0076.
