
Stunning Balustrades At House Of The Year

Dean-Wilson Iron have completed a project which involved creating stunning balustrades for an award winning home in Queensland. The mega mansion was recently named ‘House of the Year’ by one of Queensland’s leading construction industry bodies (at this year’s Master Builders Brisbane Housing & Construction Awards). The stunning home was also named  as the ‘best individual home over $2 million’.
The home dubbed as the house of happiness by the owners, draws its design inspirations from Europe, England and Cyprus. Keeping in line with the European theme, our skilled blacksmiths crafted stunning balustrades for the internal staircase and balcony from scratch in 4 weeks, using a ‘Decorative French Style’ to complement the French flow of the home.

Here is a link to the home & the article released which has stunning images of the house including the balustrades created by Prestige Wrought Iron.

If you are looking for any balustrading work for your own home, contact Prestige Wrought Iron today on ( 07) 3814 0076.
